> If I could just change "Test;" to "Test::More;" without hundreds of warnings 
> springing on me I know I would convert the test scripts and then change 
> them step by step over to the new code (or not change them at all, because 
> don't change working code..)

If you don't mind adding a

use MyModule::OKSwapper;

after Test::More in every file then you could have

package MyModule::OKSwapper;

require Test::More;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw( Exporter);
@EXPORT= qw( ok );

sub ok
        @_ = 1;
        goto &Test::More::ok;

Then, when you fix all the ok()s in a file, just delete the

use MyModule::OKSwapper

If you put the module in your t/MyModule/OKSwapper.pm then it won't be 
installed with make install,


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