On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 10:21:37AM -1000, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
: On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
: > Well, you can do whatever you like with Parrot, but I want Perl 6's
: > standard interface to be floating point seconds since 2000.  Floating
: > point will almost always have enough precision for the task at hand,
: > and by the time it doesn't, it will.  :-)
: Aren't there enough epochs already? :)

Aren't there enough programming languages already?  :-)

: Anyways, I recall some discussion on p6l from years ago about using
: TAI (and I think specifically libtai) as the internal time format
: for p6.  Is this still the case?

As I said, I don't care what the internal time format is.  I'm just
sticking up for the average user of the next millenium.  It's my
gut-level feeling that 99% of users would prefer that continuous
time be represented by a pseudo-continuous type like floating pint,
and that we should all settle on an epoch that will still be easy to
remember in the year 2149.  So I think the default public interface
needs to be floating point seconds since 2000.

: It would be *really* nice to be able to rely on getting TAI from Parrot.

It would also be really nice to be able to rely on not having to
write FAQs telling people how to deal with interfaces that are more
complicated than they need to be.  :-)

Don't get me wrong--I think the concept of TAI time is great.
It's just always going to be a fixed number of seconds different than
Perl 6 time, is all, whatever the TAI time is for Jan 1, 2000, UTC.

Yes, I'm a megalomaniac to think that I can set a better standard than
the French...  :-)


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