On Sat, 6 Mar 2004, Jared Rhine wrote:

> It'd be nice if the first item, "gmclock" wasn't defined in terms of
> "UTC".  Regardless of the future fate of UTC leap seconds, any
> UTC-based clock would need to account for leap seconds going back,
> right?  So it seems that GMT should be preferred in the core, with any
> UTC calculations being performed at the language or module level.

No necessarily GMT but at least an integer number of seconds since some epoch.

> Daylight savings time calculation seems appropriate to stay in the
> core, but perhaps additional opcodes are need to set the clock's
> understanding of the time zone used for DST calculations?

Properly handling DST realistically (time zones are really hard) means a dependency on 
the Olson DB.  We have to ship the entire thing in DateTime::TimeZone as we can't 
depend on tz/zoneinfo being available.



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