This will have to be quick, but...

Objects, and Classes, and MetaClasses, oh my!

In the beginning, there is MMD.
Ideally as a lexically and dynamically scoped first-class variable.
Dispatching on argument types, value predicates, call site, current
continuation, and all sorts of other useful things.

The usual boring thing to do then is implicitly or explicitly call a
dispatch function attached to the left-most participant.

In an aggressive prototype-based system, you're done. The object has
defined it's own dispatcher, or got one from a parent, perhaps the
root object.

In aristocratic systems, often an implicit dispatcher hands off the
request to a please-dispatch-for-peon dispatcher in an associated
classy noble.  In systems where classy nobles are objects too, and
thus have their own dispatcher, their dispatcher may be the same as
please-dispatch-for-peon, or be completely different, or overlap.  The
classy object may feel the need to pass some combination of dispatcher
and please-dispatch-for-peon requests up to a noble of its own.  This
hierarchy may be defined to taper off, or may appear infinite.

The relationship of peons and nobles, and their capabilities, varies.
Nobles can create new peons.  Peons may or may not be able to create
other peons.  Nobles may or may not be able to create other nobles of
similar stature -- they may have to appeal to a more noble noble to do it.
It may or may not be possible to grant or take away nobility.

Nobles may or may not be able to change.  Either in fields, or
methods, or both.  If they can, this may or may not affect already
created peons.  Parts of their identity (name, pointer, uid, etc) may
or may not change too.  A peon may or may not be able to change
without affecting it's noble.  Same for a noble.

And things can get... odd.  For example, an object may accept requests
to add a field, but then have this result in creating an new singleton
class which inherits from the objects current parent, and then in visibly
reparenting the object...  or if the parent is already a singleton, in
the singleton's silent mutation.  And sometimes "singleton" classes
can be asked to create additional objects.  Weeee.

The existing ops provide a vocabulary for describing solutions in this
space.  They may even be complete.  So the question is how to clump
and C-code them for convenient implementation of the languages we care
most about.

I've got to go.  A table of design-question vs P5/P6/Py/Rb might help.
Two often useful concepts I don't recall noticing in the discussion
are that of Root objects distinct from Object and Class, and of mixins.


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