On the Module-Build[1] mailing-list[2] we are currently discussing plugin architectures which will allow users to modify and extend Module::Build's functionality. One thing that we would like to have happen is that when the transition is made to parrot we'd like it to be possible to script Module::Build installs and write plugins in any of the languages supported by Parrot. In order to accomplish this we need to make sure that the plugin architecture chosen is compatible with any restrictions or limitations with regards to language interoperability.

For example, right now there are two prototypes for the plugin architecture. One[3] depends on inheritance, basically interjecting plugins into the class hierarchy and thus giving plugin authors access to modify and extend Module::Build's funtionality. The other[4] does not depend on inheritance; instead plugins must be installed into a certain directory structure where they can be found by Module::Build, and they must provide a compatible interface. These plugins require Module::Build to provide an API in order to modify or extend Module::Build's behaviour.

My concern is that restrictions in language interoperability may dictate certain design constraints, especially with regards to inheritance and runtime modification of the inheritance hierarchy, but also with regards to creating and manipulating objects across language boundaries. Another concern with the contract based architecture is that it generates methods within Module::Build at runtime that are intended to be overridable in subclasses of Module::Build.

Is there anything in the above that stands out as potentially being problematic?


1. Module::Build is a replacement for MakeMaker. <http://search.cpan.org/dist/Module-Build/>

2. Module-Build mailing-list on SourceForge:

3. Ken's inheritance based plugin architecture
   Subject: [Module::Build] Plugins
   Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 22:31:11 -0600

4. My contract based plugin architecture
   Subject: [Module::Build] [RFC] [PATCH] Action plugins
   Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 09:15:23 -0500

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