On Tue, Apr 06, 2004 at 06:04:56PM -0400, Randy W. Sims wrote:
> On 4/6/2004 11:06 AM, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> >At 6:12 AM -0400 4/4/04, Randy W. Sims wrote:
> >[Scheme 1: hierarchy munging]
> >
> >[Scheme 2: loadable-library style plugins]
> >
> >>Is there anything in the above that stands out as potentially being 
> >>problematic?
> >
> >
> >Well, there are a lot of languages that really dislike having their 
> >inheritance hierarchy change at runtime, so the first scheme might be 
> >rather problematic. (I also think it's likely a really bad misuse of 
> >inheritance, but that's a matter of opinion) Scheme 2 is also much safer 
> >from a pure security standpoint. Personally it's what I'd prefer.
> Design-wise, that pretty well sums up my opinion also. Unfortunately, I 
> think I'm outnumbered. :( I think I was rather hoping for a technical 
> knockout with a language iteroperability argument, but...

This design decision applies to most class-based object oriented languages,
but not for the delegation-based languages (the latter are sometimes called
propotype-based instead). Self, the archetypical delegation-based langugage,
permits objects being used as part of an inheritance tree to be modified at

I guess this matters little as far as the internals go, but it would be a
shame to cut out a language as classic as Self, especially as its VM was the
first to demonstrate astonishing efficiency.

Jon Shapcott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"This is the Space Age, and we are Here To Go" - Wlliam S. Burroughs

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