In a message dated Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Juerd writes:
> Except for the shocking number of closed-minded people on this list.

Stop it, stop it, STOP IT.

I'm not asking you to stop voicing your opinion about the discussion at
hand--that would be closed-minded, after all.

I'm asking you to stop interpreting disagreement as censorship, prejudice,
closed-mindedness, or whatever else.  It's not.

In any case, the argument in re 'what operator to access
keywordishly-keyed hashes' is spinning out of control and not getting
anywhere.  This is precisely why we leave it to Larry (and @Larry) to
exercise his benevolent dictatorship.

Open issues in regards to what to do with qx() (I'll post my thoughts on
that a bit later) and discussion thereof, or on a truly new syntax (other
than the ones proposed by Larry and Juerd or a return to Perl 5 ambiguity)
or some other brilliant unification in regards to hash keys would I think
still be welcomed here.

But the argument back and forth--which is prettier, which takes more
keystrokes, what's a keystroke, isn't it too much like
some-other-language-we-don't-like, no it's more like
yet-another-language-we-do-like, etc. ad nauseam is just petty bickering
at this point.

Can we all just take a deep breath here and let the issue be resolved as
time fulfills?  No progress is being made at this point.  Let it rest.

(No, Juerd, I'm not being closed-minded or censoring you.  This equally
applies to everyone who just wants to restate some new wrinkle of a point
already discussed to death.)

Trey Harris
Vice President
SAGE -- The System Administrators Guild (
Opinions above are not necessarily those of SAGE.

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