On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 03:16:45PM -0400, stevan little wrote:
> On May 8, 2004, at 2:25 PM, Tim Bunce wrote:
> >
> >Just some (and thanks for that). But there are still a few with
> >custom ok() subs and some others using the plain Test module.
> >
> >Tim.
> Make that 2 less tests doing the funky stuff, this is actually going a 
> lot faster than I thought it was going to.

Yeah. (Though writing more tests is bound to be more challenging
than tidying up the old ones :)

> I hope you dont mind, I am also re-arranging the order of some of the 
> tests and adding comments, I am trying to group things together 
> logically, so its easier to document what each test file covers.

Not at all! I was hoping you would.

> In addition, in 01basic.t I added tests to check *all* of the exported 
> :sql_types and :sql_cursor_types as opposed to just the spot checking 
> that existed already. Actually in doing this, I realized that the 
> SQL_BIGINT symbol is not exported by DBI.pm, but is found in dbi_sql.h, 
> is this supposed to be this way? Or did I uncover a bug/typo?

SQL_BIGINT was never well supported by databases and has been removed
from the SQL standard, so I've just left it lying in a dusty corner
of the DBI hoping no one will notice it :)


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