Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
> 0x00419f6c in new_pmc_header (interpreter=0x100d1d48,
> flags=1024) at src/headers.c:251
> 251             *((Dead_PObj*)pmc)->arena_dod_flag_ptr
> |=

(gdb) bt

(gdb) p pmc

/gdb) p *((Dead_PObj*)pmc)

would be good.

Which program did you run?
Are all segfaulting?
Does running the program with -G option help?

> Ok, so I naively tried --gc=libc and --gc=malloc and
> it didn't seem to help.

Above error is only possible, when ARENA_DOD_FLAGS is turned on. This
switch relies on the presence of a working memalign function. The
C<--gc> option isn't related to this. But you can turn off
ARENA_DOD_FLAGS in include/parrot/pobj.h line 25.

> Cheers


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