--- Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joshua Gatcomb wrote:
> > (gdb) p *pool
> > $1 = {last_Arena = 0x10200000, object_size = 32,
> > objects_per_alloc = 16382, total_objects = 2048,
> >   num_free_objects = 2047, skip = 0,
> replenish_level =
> > 614, free_list = 0x10210000, align_1 = 0,
> >   add_free_object = 0x4700f0 <add_free_object>,
> > get_free_object = 0x470110 <get_free_object>,
>                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> That's the problem. The darn thing is just calling
> the wrong funtion.
> Or I'm dumb:
> On your system sizeof(Dead_PObj) must be greater
> then sizeof(PMC). How that?
> Seems that you got sizeof(UINTVAL) == 8 ???
> Can you please supply the output of:
> (gdb) p sizeof(PMC)
> 24
> (gdb) p sizeof(Dead_PObj)
> 20
> (gdb) p sizeof(void *)
> 4
> (gdb) p sizeof(UINTVAL)
> 4
> (gdb) p sizeof(UINTVAL*)
> 4

(gdb) p sizeof(PMC)
$1 = 32
(gdb) p sizeof(Dead_PObj)
$2 = 40
(gdb) p sizeof(void *)
$3 = 4
(gdb) p sizeof(UINTVAL)
$4 = 8
(gdb) p sizeof(UINTVAL*)
$5 = 4

> thanks for helping to track it down,
> leo

I don't know how much help I am, but I am able bodied
and willing (albeit feeble minded).

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

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