Scott Bronson skribis 2004-06-24 10:44 (-0700):
> However, it seems that because Perl is finally getting a typing system,
> this hack can be fixed in Perl itself!  No programmer intervention
> needed.  Undef and '' can be false for strings, undef and 0 can be false
> for integers, undef, 0, and 0.0 can be false for floats, etc.

I think this makes sense:

    string:  undef, ""
    number:  undef, 0 (implies 0.0)
    other:   convert to number and then decide. Anything that can't
    naturally be converted to a number (i.e. would be invalid syntax if
    unquoted) is true.

/me wanted to write this in Perl 6, but couldn't think of a good way to
represent true and false when returning from &is_true :)

Perhaps having real true and false values (where true cannot be false
and false cannot be true) would make a lot of things much easier. I, for
one, would like "return true;" (where "true" is undef-ish: a keyword
that always returns the same value).


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