--- Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Paul Hodges wrote:
> > --- Spider Boardman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>You need ord() for character/grapheme/byte/whatever testing that's
> >>equivalent to what C does.  Since C doesn't really have strings,
> >>and Perl does, this is just one of those differences between the
> >>languages where (essentially, and perhaps abusing some linguistics
> >>theory and terminology) you've run into a 'false cognate'.
> > 
> > lol -- C doesn't have strings, but Perl does?
> He's absolutely correct.
> [snip]

lol.... remind me not to get so abstract when trying to make a point
(especially when sleepy and disorganized) on a board for programmers.

Right, ok, agreed. I knew what he meant when I said it, and played
Devil's Advocate to make a point which got lost in translation, and
wasn't that important in the first place. 

Good night, all. :)

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