On 24 Jun 2004, at 19:59, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
- You don't have much control (correct me if I'm wrong) about the order
of tests, or the relationship between tests, eg you can't say "if this
test fails, skip these others". This is straightforward in
Test::More's simple procedural style.

This is probably due to the same test/assertion confusion - but the whole /point/ of xUnit is that the test order shouldn't matter :-)

Test isolation == good!

If I need isolation, why can't I just ask for it directly?

    with_test_setup {

You can.

But then the test writer/reader has to code/understand the with_test_setup() code for each test script, and the structure of each of those routines is pretty much the same.

So you might decide to generalise it and have a standard mechanism for you to plug in your start up code.

Then you discover that some of your tests need to clean up after themselves so you add another slot to run after the tests.

Then you might find that you often have common sets of tests that are run in different situations, so it would be nice if you could package them up and use them as a unit. So you add some infrastructure to support it.

Well done - you've implemented an xUnit framework!

(or rather provided the few elements of an xUnit framework not already supplied by Test::Harness, Test::Builder and friends).

These sorts of requirements are exactly what made me build Test::Class - adding the bits of xUnit not already in the Perl testing framework.

I didn't start out to write an xUnit framework. What I did was refactor several large and slow test suites and the very xUnit-ish Test::Class just fell out.

I don't really think of xUnit as a competitor to Perl's normal testing infrastructure - it's more of a superset. The fact that it's so easy to layer the missing bits of xUnit on top of Perl's standard mechanisms shows that.

Even better would be to put Test::Builder in "skip" mode, where it skips
automatically whenever a test fails:

    skip_mode {
        is(this, that);

sub skip_mode (&) { my $test_sub = shift; my $old_ok = \&Test::Builder::ok; my $test_passed=1; local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1; no warnings; local *Test::Builder::ok = sub { die unless $test_passed = $old_ok->(@_); }; eval { $test_sub->() }; die $@ if $@ && $test_passed; };


Every time I hear about xUnit, I figure there must be something other
than "setup and teardown" in its favor. If that's all there is, I'm not

You have to remember that xUnit isn't just setup/teardown routines. It's all the rest too - assertions, a test runner, test suites, OO reuse framework, etc. Most of which we already have with Test::Harness, Test:Builder and friends.

When people speak about the advantages of xUnit, they're mostly talking about the advantages of having a standard testing infrastructure.



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