On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 01:07:36PM -0400, Andrew Pimlott wrote:
> You are also circumventing the isolation part of the xUnit model,
> because you don't get setup/teardown for each test data.  Possibly you
> don't care about that in this case, but if you did, you wouldn't be able
> to do the above, so I consider this another limitation.

I can happily call the setup/teardown methods inside the loop if I need
to. They're just normal methods.

> So to me, the above code is basically Test::More style, just using
> methods for organization.  

*That* code yes. But it was your example ...

> On that note, it seems that for some people the appeal of xUnit-style
> testing is less the model above (failure == exception, isolation),
> and more the modularity and reuse you can get by writing your tests
> with objects.

failure = exception, per se, no. However, I can throw exceptions if I
want and Test::Class will DTRT, so that's another advantage.

isolation, yes. But I don't think you mean the same thing by this as I
do. That said, I tend much more towards startup/shutdown that

Moduluarity and reuse: who doesn't love that? :)


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