On Fri, Jun 25, 2004 at 10:13:52PM +0100, Adrian Howard wrote:
> On 25 Jun 2004, at 16:51, Fergal Daly wrote:
> [snip]
> >NB: I haven't used xUnit style testing so I could be completely off 
> >the mark
> >but some (not all) of these benefits seem to be available in T::M land.
> Just so I'm clear - I'm /not/ saying any of this is impossible with 
> T::M and friends. That's obviously silly since you can build an xUnit 
> framework with Test::Builder and friends.
> What xUnit gives you is a little bit more infrastructure to make these 
> sorts of task easier.

That's fair enough but that infrastructure is just extra baggage in some

Actually, just after I wrote the email, I realised I had used xUnit before,
in Delphi. With DUnit, testing a single class takes a phenomenal amount of
boilerplate code and I guess that's why I'd blocked it from my memory :).

As you say, we already have a good chunk of xUnit style with Test::Harness,
with each .t file corresponding somewhat to a "suite" but without the

I think the baggage only pays for itself when you end up doing a lot of
inheriting between test classes,


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