--- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A guess from my current understanding:
> You're wanting to play with a database. You take a continuation. You
> see 
> if have a database handle open and good to go, if so you do your
> thing. 
> (can you then dismiss the continuation? do uninvoked continuations
> pile 
> up somewhere?). If the handle is not ready, you do everything needed
> to 
> prepare the handle, and then invoke the continuation.
> But I don't see how a continuation gained you much over
> C<prepare($dbh) unless ready($dbh);>.
> So what makes them so cool?

You know how you can log in to your webmail/slashdot/sourceforge/amazon
account, and get a cookie that says you're logged in?

And you know how you can then go into your browser's history list and
pick up some entry that was invalid, or came from yesterday, and when
you click through, the cookie (local data) that says you're
legitimately logged in stays with you, so the site doesn't give you a
hard time?

That's continuation-like behavior. 

Continuations will let you take "function pointers" at an arbitrary
location: instead of entering the top of the function, you can come in
to the middle. They are similar to setjmp/longjmp in this context: you
have to pass through once to "take" the continuation, before you can
invoke it. But you can invoke it arbitrarily many times, unlike
set-/long-jmp, since the continuation closes over the entire call


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