Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Oh no!  Someone doesn't understand continuations!  How could this
> happen?!  :-)

Yes, well, I've only just started reading up on them recently...

> A continuation doesn't save data.  It's just a closure that closes
> over the execution stack

Ah.  That helps a lot.  For some reason, I hadn't realize that yet
from reading about them in Dybvig.

>> You could make the programmer specify which variables he wants delta
>> data for, and then any *others* wouldn't keep it and wouldn't be
>> undoable.
> A much more useful way to do this would be:
>     use undo << $foo $bar $baz >>;
>     my $foo = 41;
>     my $state =;
>     $foo++;  $foo.undo($state);  # or perhaps $state.remember;

That seems reasonable to me.

> I don't want to think about what happens when you write:
>    use undo << $state >>;

Something terribly inefficient, I suppose.  There could be a warning
in the documentation about that.

Or something could try to be clever and detect this sort of thing; I'm
not entirely certain whether that's equivalent to the halting problem,
but either way it sounds like all kinds of excitement, or something.

split//,"[EMAIL PROTECTED]/ --";$\=$ ;-> ();print$/

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