----- Original Message -----
From: Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 7:31 pm
Subject: Re: undo()?
> Oh no!  Someone doesn't understand continuations!  How could this
> happen?!  :-)
> You need two things to bring the state of the process back to an 
> earlierstate: undo and continuations.  People say continuations 
> are like time
> traveling; I like to put it this way:
> Say you're in the kitchen in front of the refrigerator, thinking 
> about a
> sandwitch.  You take a continuation right there and stick it in your
> pocket.  Then you get some turkey and bread out of the 
> refrigerator and
> make yourself a sandwitch, which is now sitting on the counter.  You
> invoke the continuation in your pocket, and you find yourself standing
> in front of the refrigerator again, thinking about a sandwitch.  But
> fortunately, there's a sandwitch on the counter, and all the materials
> used to make it are gone.  So you eat it. :-)
> A continuation doesn't save data.  It's just a closure that closes 
> overthe execution stack (and any lexicals associated with it; thus 
> the "I
> want a sandwitch" thought).  If things change between the taking and
> invoking of the continuation, those things remain changed after
> invoking.
> > You could make the programmer specify which variables he wants delta
> > data for, and then any *others* wouldn't keep it and wouldn't be
> > undoable.
> > 
> > use undo <<foo bar baz>>; # Or use the funny characters I can't 
> type.> my $foo++;  $foo.undo();  # Undoes the increment.
> > my $quux++; $quux.undo(); # Throws an exception or something.
> A much more useful way to do this would be:
>    use undo << $foo $bar $baz >>;
>    my $foo = 41;
>    my $state = undo.save;
>    $foo++;  $foo.undo($state);  # or perhaps $state.remember;

Do you think it would be possible to implement C<undo> with pure Perl6 using 
continuations?  My intuition thinks it could, but my brain starts hating me when I 
start to think about it... It would definitely be a pretty neat module if it could be 
done though.

P.S. That was a truly spectacular explanation of continuations. :)

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