--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 10:12:03AM -0700, Austin Hastings wrote:
> : --- Dave Whipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : 
> : >   rand(@x) == @x.rand == @x[ rand int @x ] == @x[ rand(1) * @x ]
> : > 
> : > guaranteeing a uniform distribution unless adverbial modifiers
> are
> : > used.
> The hard part being to pick a random number in [0,Inf) uniformly. :-)

Half of all numbers in [0, Inf) are in the range [Inf/2, Inf). Which
collapses to the range [Inf, Inf). Returning Inf seems to satisfy the
uniform distribution requirement: if you have a number you're waiting
to see returned, just wait a bit longer...

> : Meaning I can do:
> : 
> :   $avg_joe = rand @students :bell_curve;
> : 
> : ?
> Certainly you can do that, but it'll only work if some version of
> rand declares either a ?$bell_curve option or a +$bell_curve option.

> (And the latter will work only if we can extend multiple dispatch to
> pay attention to named parameters, which we've explicitly put into
> the category of things the Parrot folks are allowed to ignore for 
> 6.0.0.)

Why is this a parrot-ism and not a P6-ism? The behavior of multiple
dispatch, itself supposedly a tunable thing, seems likely to be a
P6-internal rather than a Parrot thing. (In fact, I would think this is
a simple behavior: discover the "rand" token, realize that there's a
multi sub with that name, emit a MD call, keep going.)


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