"David Storrs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote (apparently may days ago):
> Race condition: what if something deletes the file between the moment
> that perl closes the file and the moment that it re-opens it?  Is
> there a cross-platform way to do an atomic reopen?

I'm not sure if you need to close it before you reopen it. You can usually
open the file a second time before closing it. (the only issue would be if
you were using mandatory locks, in which case you're probably a power-user
using the FileHandle module, anyway).

I don't know about the cross-platform aspect, but a similar scenario is that
the file changes on disk while we've using it. In most modern editors, the
user is asked: "file changed on disk: reload file? (Y/N)" when this happens.
I'd like to think that we could arrange for an exception to be thrown
(resumable, of course) if this happens when we've mapped a file into an


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