On Mon, Jul 19, 2004 at 07:40:01PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
: TMTOWTDI can apply here, I believe. You give me my way, I'll give you 
: yours. Leave me open with all my parameters, and you can have your list 
: of file abstraction classes. I could see having those classes part of 
: core, if there's enough support for them, and then something simple like 
: "use Files;" to turn them on.

The reality will be somewhere in the middle--or maybe it's off to one
side or the other.  I don't think anyone in this discussion (including
me) has a complete grasp of how roles will change the way OO is done in
Perl 6.  When you open a filehandle, or create a string, or something
in between, you're just making an object with various capabilities.
With roles, you don't even necessarily have to specify a particular
class to construct.  You can view an "open" statement as a request
for an object that fulfills certain roles, and let Perl search for
and/or compose an appropriate class.  You don't have to care about some
artificial, predefined OO hierarchy because roles do an end run around
the use of subclassing for a task that subclassing isn't good for.

File handles are a classic case of "the god object" syndrome.  With roles,
I think we can have our OO cake, and maybe even bear to eat it too.


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