On Sat, Jul 24, 2004 at 06:35:44PM +0200, Thomas Klausner wrote:
> Hi!
> On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 03:29:10AM +0100, Tim Bunce wrote:
> > The DBI gets 9. The one failure is permissions_ok:
> > 
> > >  permissions_ok  (i.e. all files are read/writable by extracting user)
> > 
> > Why is that a kwalitee issue? I don't think it warrants impacting the kwalitee.
> First: Currently there is no real definition of Kwalitee. Now it consists of
> stuff that's easy to test and that I'm interested in.


> Personally, I'm annoyed by dist that I cannot remove after installation.
> If files are read-only, I'll have to do extra steps during deleting. So I
> like dists which no read-only files. Which is why it's a Kwalitee indicator.
> If we (whoever is interested in this issue) deciede that containing
> read-only files is not a big issue, than we can drop this indicator (or any
> other...)
> But IMO a polite maintainer should make it easy to remove a dist after
> installation.

I wasn't aware that there was a problem. No one has mentioned in the
many many years the DBI has shipped with read-only files.

> > p.s. It'll cause problems for anyone using a source code control
> > system that keeps files read-only - like RCS and CVS do.
> > That's the reason the DBI has many read-only files.
> > (I use svn now, but used to use RCS.)
> I think it was also a "problem" with Module::Build / ExtUtils::Manifest. See
> here:
> http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bug.html?id=4124

I interpret that as meaning the permissions_ok is primarily driven
by the version of MakeMaker used by the author. MakeMaker used to
explicitly make the files read-only, now recent versions don't.
It's hardly fair to reflect that in the kwalitee metric.

> But again: defining Kwalitee is defintly not something I want to do on my
> own. I only provided first suggestions ...

I expect the definition of Kwalitee to become an uncomfortably hot topic.

Meanwhile, I'd suggest you remove permissions_ok :)


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