On Sat, 7 Aug 2004 09:52:30 +0100, Chia-liang Kao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just setup a Subversion mirror of the parrot cvs repository with
> svk. Will try to keep it in sync until Robert have time to do similar
> setup on perl.org.
> So you could now use the Subversion repository (readonly) at:
>    svn://svn.clkao.org/parrot/cvs/trunk
> web interface at http://svn.clkao.org/svnweb/parrot/
> and for people with unfortunate per-minute metered ISDN, svk could be
> used to mirror the above url, create local branch and do commits
> locally. Later on generate a diff to apply to cvs, or if the
> development trunk switches to svn it would be even eaiser.
> Hopefully this could eventually allow more time for fine white wine
> while retaining the same excellent productivity.

You need to set the svn:executable property on icu/source/configure,
or compilation will fail.


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