On Mon, 9 Aug 2004 13:14:26 -0400 (EDT), Andy Dougherty
> On Sat, 7 Aug 2004, Chia-Liang Kao wrote:
> > I've just setup a Subversion mirror of the parrot cvs repository with
> > svk. Will try to keep it in sync until Robert have time to do similar
> > setup on perl.org.
> > So you could now use the Subversion repository (readonly) at:
> >
> >    svn://svn.clkao.org/parrot/cvs/trunk
> >
> > web interface at http://svn.clkao.org/svnweb/parrot/
> Thanks -- this will be useful for folks to use to try it out.
> On the plus side, I was able to build and install subversion-1.1.0-rc1
> with no problems on Solaris 2.8.  That's new since last time I looked at
> subversion.
> On the minus side, it's still slow (initial checkout took 41 minutes,
> compared to 8 for CVS, though I can't say for sure how much of that was
> due to the different hosts or network connectivity).

41 minutes? Subversion checkout takes 2m14s for me, as compared to CVS 1m.

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