Dan Sugalksi wrote:
> VMS's (and yes, for the grammar wonks, that apostrophe is actually
> correct)

I'd lay even odds that VMS would qualify for the "ancient proper names"

William Strunk, Jr. (1869-1946).  The Elements of Style.  1918. 
> Form the possessive singular of nouns with 's.   
> Follow this rule whatever the final consonant. Thus write, 
> Charles's friend 
> Burns's poems 
> the witch's malice 
> This is the usage of the United States Government Printing
> Office and of the Oxford University Press. 
> Exceptions are the possessives of ancient proper names in -es
> and -is, the possessive Jesus', and such forms as for conscience'
> sake, for righteousness' sake. But such forms as Achilles' heel,
> Moses' laws, Isis' temple are commonly replaced by 
> the heel of Achilles 
> the laws of Moses 
> the temple of Isis 
> The pronominal possessives hers, its, theirs, yours, and oneself
> have no apostrophe. 

Garrett Goebel
IS Development Specialist

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