On Fri, Sep 10, 2004 at 05:47:29PM -0600, David Green wrote:
: On 2004/9/06, Larry Wall wrote:
: >Another possibility is that .[] always forces the "normal" view of an
: >array as 0-based, and if you want non-0-based arrays you have to use
: >the .{} interface instead, on the assumption that strange subscripts
: >are more like hash keys than ranges of integers.
: That's true.  But it's got me thinking about the connection between 
: arrays and "associative" arrays.  In fact, the user doesn't need to know 
: that a "hash" is implemented with a hash table, and an "array" isn't; 
: and nothing stops you from using numbers as hash keys.

Yes, but...

: And if you 
: restrict your "hash" to numeric keys, Perl could notice and optimise it 
: into an array.  (Or integer keys, or positive integers, or a consecutive 
: range of positive ints....)  

What exactly do you mean by "could notice"?  The point about the distinction
between .[] and .{} is that it makes it very easy for the compiler to
notice (at compile time) that .[] is going to be indexed in a standard
fashion, so it can optimize the heck out of it.

: If we consider a generic "data structure" type (which may or may not be 
: optimised under the hood for integral indices), then why shouldn't {} be 
: the "index-by-name" interface, and [] the "index-by-ordinal" interface? 
: (Does that mean [$x] is just a shorthand for {nth($x)}?)  

I think you just said what I said, sort of.

: (Will P6 arrays/hashes have an ".index" method to return what index they 
: are?  Or .index for the ordinal and .key for the name.  (Although .key 
: is perhaps a bit too close to .keys when the member is itself a hash.))

You mean individual hash/array elements knowing their key/index?  I think
that's a feature looking for a way to slow down the common operations.
If you an array or hash element to remember its index/key, you should
ask for .pairs or .kv.

: Of course, there is one important difference between arrays and hashes: 
: arrays are ordered.  People do keep asking about ordered hashes, though.  
: There's no reason you couldn't use ordinals with a hash anyway (the 
: "order" may not be particularly meaningful, but sometimes you don't care 
: -- of course, in those cases you'd usually iterate through it, but it 
: could be handy to be able to say %h[rand(last)] (except that isn't 
: really quite how you'd say it, but you get the idea)).

I expect people would mostly want to treat the hash as an ISAM, and
ask for the successor of the current entry without necessarily caring
about its index.  But a hash with a real ordering could certainly
provide a .[] interface if it conforms to the usual semantics.

: Data structures might have default sorting by key (since that's what 
: arrays have), but you could sort other ways... maybe nth takes a "by" 
: adverb: "first"="first :by key", vs. "first :by value".  Hm, it probably 
: should take a closure (along the lines of "sort").
: Anyway, I'm rambling, but there's something to the idea of Perl offering 
: some sort of generic "data structure" type...  

That's what the hash interface is intended to provide.

: "my $hash is Struct;" would be the most general, no restrictions on 
: keys, and no ordering, so Perl is free to use a hash table without 
: worrying about the order.  
: "my $array is Struct(keytype=>PosInt, ordering=>keywise)" has keys 
: restricted to ints, and iterates in order by index, i.e. it's 
: implemented as an ordinary array (where [$n] and {$n} refer to the same 
: element).

That's why I extended the shape trait to specify hash keys.

: "Hash" and "Array" types would be shorthand for those kinds of Structs, 
: but you could define your own by providing suitable shapes and 
: orderings.  (Hm, since Hashes are the most general, they're probably 
: actually the base type, rather than "Struct", which does sound kinda 
: silly, and probably sounds sillier if you're not used to C.)


: I was also going to suggest an in-between type of structure, like a 
: Collection in VB, that accepts anything for the key (or some useful 
: restricted type?) but is ordered (in order of when elements were added).  
: But I can't think of any character available for the sigil.  =)

The sigil for that is %, with appropriate declaration.


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