On Wed, 3 Nov 2004 16:04:38 -0500, Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it would be really cool if commits that had a significant
> increase or descrease in speed would be flagged.  Possibly just a
> section of the page could be a table with commit dates and the percent
> effect they had.  This table would not contain all commits dates, but
> only the most recent N that caused a greater than 5% change in speed.

It would be a LOT of work to do this for every commit. We're currently
running once per day, which narrows it sufficiently.

I was kicking around an idea like this, but I was thinking only to
protect from slow downs. The basic idea was to check whether there had
been a slowdown of X percent in the last N days. If so, it'd ping the
list with a message describing when and where the speedup/slowdown
happened. It'd also be possible to create a graph for these N days.

With multiple rules, this could be pretty neat:
  o Detect any change of 25% in the past 60 days
  o Detect any change of 50% in the past 2 days
  o Detect any change of 15% in the past 3 months

The idea being that various scenarios could be caught. For instance,
the recent disablement of JIT would get caught and a message would be
sent to the list.

> The idea being that this would provide an easy way to sync to
> particular revision for people playing the optimization game without
> having to guess based on the graphs.

Combining this with the N-weekly/monthly performance summaries idea
would let you know when a big (or small) speed change happened.


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