Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 03:49:02AM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

On Sat, Feb 12, 2005 at 01:03:26AM -0600, Rod Adams wrote:

I also find the following incredibly disturbing:

perl6 -e "$x = 'cat'|'dog'; say $x;"


Would that happen though? What's the signature of C<say>? I think
it's something like multi sub *say ($stream = $*OUT: *$data) { ... }
so autothreading wouldn't happen anyway as S9 says the slurpy array/hash
aren't autothreaded.

I reread S09, and I believe "autothreading" is the wrong term for the iteration that a junction incurs (Even though it appears in the section immediately after Junctions. Autothreading is something far weirder, dealing with partial dimensional slices, I believe. And in that case, it makes sense to turn off autothreading for slurpys, since in flattening, you get rid of the messy dimensions. Therefore I suspect that the above is wrong, and the behavior of C<say 'cat'|'dog'> is still to duplicate.

-- Rod Adams

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