Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:

The naive meaning of all of these would be::

    any(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3)
    all(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 4,3,2)
    one(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)
    none(map { @x[$_] = 7 } 1,2)

But I'm not sure the naive interpretation is correct.

A junction as an array index or hash key returns a junction of the corresponding elements/entries. So:

        @x[4|3] = 7

is the same as:

        any(@x[4], @x[3]) = 7

But I've repeated stated my strong belief that junctions are scalar values, *not* lvalues. So the result of that assignment ought to be:

        Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at line 1

- Can you have non-scalar junctions?

Do junctive operators force scalar context on their arguments?


If so, we know what happens (you get a junction of arrayrefs);


if not, I suppose it's up for negotiation.

No. ;-)

- What does it mean to sort a list of junctions?

Brent's analysis is spot on, assuming that C<cmp> on junctions works as he envisaged. Personally, I think I'd implement C<cmp> as:

    multi sub infix:<cmp> (Any|Junction $lhs, Any|Junction $rhs) {
        return -1 if $lhs lt $rhs;
        return  1 if $lhs gt $rhs;
        return  0

instead, but the differences are marginal: Brent's version treats junctions that can be equal or greater than as being equal; mine favours the inequality instead.

Ultimately, of course, a particular list of junctions may not be well-ordered at all. For example:

        sort 1|10, 5|6, 11|0

in which *any* permutation of the list is a plausible sort. So sorting junctions isn't necessarily always meaningful.


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