On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 11:52:09AM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
> But I've repeated stated my strong belief that junctions are scalar values, 
> *not* lvalues. So the result of that assignment ought to be:
>       Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at demo.pl line 1

Yay for sanity. :)  It's how pugs implement it, too.

> Brent's analysis is spot on, assuming that C<cmp> on junctions works as he 
> envisaged. Personally, I think I'd implement C<cmp> as:
>     multi sub infix:<cmp> (Any|Junction $lhs, Any|Junction $rhs) {
>         return -1 if $lhs lt $rhs;
>         return  1 if $lhs gt $rhs;
>         return  0
>     }

Hrm, so Junction.isa("Any") == False?  I need to retype print(), say()
and other primitives, then.


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