>From one Perl6/Parrot lurker to another:

On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 14:47:14 +0000, "theUser BL" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Your plan of Parrot - as I have understood it - is to have not only a VM
> for 
> Perl. You want to have a VM for diffeent languages, like the JavaVM (with 
> the languages Nice and Groovy) and .net, but written esecialy for 
> scripting-languages.

There is one VM - that is what Parrot is.  Any language can be compiled
for the Parrot VM, but it needs a compiler to create the Parrot byte
code or even the Parrot assembly language.  While the goal of JVM is to
run Java on any platform and the goal of .Net is to run any language on
Windows, Parrot's goal is to run any language on any platform that has a
C compiler.

> But I see two problems:
> 1. the license
> Perl is licensed under the GPL and Artistic license. Python is licensed 
> under the Python-license and Ruby is licensed under the GPL and its own 
> license.
> So, it would be nice, if Parrot would be licensed under the GPL, Artistic 
> license, Python-license and Rubys own license.
> I don't think, that Python would be public its package with something 
> included, which is under an other license then the Python-license.

I am not an expert on OSS licenses or the details of any of the
developer communities, but I don't think it matters what the compilers
are licensed as - the language specs are the only things that would be
used when creating a Parrot compiler for Ruby/Python/Java/etc.

> 2. Parrot is written by Perl-people for Perl
> I think it would be better, if there existing a group of 2 Perl people, 2 
> Python people and 2 Ruby people or so, which disigned _together_ a VM for 
> scripting languages and then support all this VM.
> At the moment only the Perl people have created it. And it is possible,
> that 
> Python and Ruby don't using it, because they can not identify themself
> with 
> it.
> So it would be a thought, to rewrite Parrot together with the other 
> scripting people and then (and can be possible that the new Parrot-VM is 
> incompatible to the existing one now) using it all together.

Why?  Parrot is just a virtual platform - the common target for
compilers wanting to run under Parrot.  It runs the bytecode and, on a
lower level, parrot assembly.  This has nothing to do with Perl, Ruby,
Python, etc.

> I have red, that you create yourself a Python for Parrot. But that wille
> be 
> not more supported by the Python-people like IronPython or Jython I
> think. 
> It would be better to working with the Python and Ruby people together.
> And 
> letting Parrot independent of any language.

Parrot is not geared towards a specific language.  That is the point. 
It interprets byte code that is generated from compilers compiling a
specific language.
Perl6 ToDo:

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