On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 12:32:31PM -0400, Christopher H. Laco wrote:
> >CPANTS can't check that for me, as I don't ship those tests.
> >They're part of my development environment, not part of my release tree.
> That is true. But if you don't ship them, how do I know you bothered to 
> check those things in the first place?

Why do you care? What's the difference to you between me shipping a a .t
file that uses Pod::Coverage, or by having an internal system that uses
Devel::Cover in a mode that makes sure I have 100% coverage on everything,
including POD, or even if I hire a team of Benedictine Monks to peruse
my code and look for problems?

The only thing that should matter to you is whether the Pod coverage is
adequate, not how that happens.


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