On Fri, Jun 17, 2005 at 08:13:55AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> Patrick wrote:
> >    method greet(FooClass $class:) { say "Hello!"; }
> No. That needs to be:
>       method greet(FooClass ::class:) { say "Hello!"; }
> (as implied by "takes a class as its invocant" in S12).

Okay, I'm a bit confused.  I understand why the one I wrote above is
incorrect -- silly me.  But I'm having trouble with the syntactical
parsing of the parameter list of the second, and I can't find any
references or similar cases in S12/A12/S06/A06.  Is '::' acting as a 
sigil here?  

More to the point, I'm having trouble meshing this with the rules for 
parameters listed in A06 (fully recognizing that there may be 
"correcter" forms of A06-- I'm just trying to find what the correcter 
form is ... :-).  From A06, with an updated "rule sigil" for 
private attributes and pod....

    Here's what an individual parameter looks like:

        rule parameter :w {
            [ <type>? <zone>? <variable> <trait>* <defval>?
            | \[ <signature> \]     # treat single array ref as an arg list

        rule zone { <[?*+]> }
        rule variable { <sigil> <name> [ \( <siglet> \) ]? }
        rule sigil { <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&]> <[*.:?^=]>? }   

I'm missing something fundamental in getting

       method greet(FooClass ::class:) { say "Hello!"; }

to parse.


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