As someone whose production code is currently required to run under
5.5.3, I'm very grateful to module authors whose code still runs under
that version at least.  A number of modules which don't run under 5.5.3
do with simple changes, primarily changing "our" to "use vars" and
getting rid of x.y.z version numbers.

I've only developed in 5.6+ environments. Can anyone provide a link to what I would have to do to make my modules compatible with 5.4 and/or 5.5?

For anyone interested in this area, take a look at Perl::MinimumVersion, which identifies the minimum version of Perl needed for any chunk of code.

If anyone wants to help out, I'd like to enhance this as a Perl::Editor plugin so that it doesn't just calculate the version, but points you at the specific statement that is causing the highest version dependency and tell you why, and how to change it.

There's also plans for Perl::BackPort if anyone would like to get on board and help which would take Perl::MinimumVersion further and actually automatically make the changes to code to make it work with older versions.

So, adding () to $object->$method, or turning 'our' into use vars and so on.

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