I've been playing with pugs a little bit.  I like it a lot.  I'm especially 
interested in passing parameters to subs and giving them defaults.

While trying to Curry in the default of a Code reference parameter, I ran into 
the following oddity (it seems odd to me).  It looks like I must fully qualify 
the package name in order to specify a default sub.  Here's a reduced example:

package MyModule;

use v6;

sub doubler( Num $x ) {
   return 2 * $x;

sub value_v( Code +$func = &MyModule::doubler ) is export {
   return $func( 5 );

This works.  But I think I should be able to say:

sub value_v( Code +$func = doubler ) is export {

or at least:

sub value_v( Code +$func = &doubler ) is export {

I'm using Pugs 6.2.8.  Am I missing something?

Phil Crow

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