Ivan Tubert-Brohman wrote:
* The code gets "lost" among the documentation, as often you have more documentation than code. Syntax highlighting reduces the problem, but the POD still takes half the screen if you have short subs.

Another option would be to dust the code folding features of my editor and see if they work for hiding inline POD temporarily.

As a vim user, I found it helpful to edit my perl.vim syntax file like so:

  " Use only the bare minimum of rules
- if exists("perl_fold")
+ if exists("perl_fold_pod")
    syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" fold
    syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut"

Then, by setting "let perl_fold_pod=1" in my .vimrc, all the pod folds up by default, leaving only code. (I don't fold my code, so folding just hides my inline pod. If you want to fold both, don't make the edit to perl.vim and set "let perl_fold=1") When I want to edit a folded pod section, "zo" opens a fold and "zc" closes it. "zn" opens them all and "zN" closes them all. Makes inline pod less frustrating, particularly if you write lengthy docs.

David Golden

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