
On Friday 27 January 2006 22:26, Luke Closs wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 10:30:47AM -0800, Tyler MacDonald wrote:
> > Chris Dolan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > >* for windows only
> > > >* only includes Foo-Bar, but not it's dependecies
> > >
> > > It will auto-install dependencies just like CPAN, I believe.  And,
> > > yes, it's currently Windows-only.  Didn't you offer bonus points
> > > for Windows??
> >     Um, no it isn't!
> >
> >     PPMs are built for a variety of platforms, windows, OSX, and various
> > unixes.
> >     You can download ActivePerl for these platforms here:
> >
> >Perl

> I'm somewhat new to the Perl community, so I don't know much history
> about PPM + perl, but I think PPM is actually a pretty good tool.

Except that it seems to not be able to build most stuff on the two most 
common platforms. Looky here:

GD cant be build. Graph::Easy can't be build on quite a few things because 
Scalar-List-Util can't be build, etc. etc. In fact, the entire page under 
"G" looks scary with so much red.

Graph::Easy and GD work just fine when compiled with CPAN/manually under 
Linux, but aren't available via PPM. That basically makes it useless for 
me :)

Best wishes,


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