
On Saturday 28 January 2006 11:08, Adam Kennedy wrote:
> Graph::Easy installation failing here with YAML 0.50 (newer versions of
> YAML seem to be uninstallable at the moment due to Class::Spiffy +
> Spiffy + Test::Base install failures...

Just what I said about dependecies etc. My Makefile.PL uses YAML for me 
(e.g. the author) to create a META.yml file with a license field, 
something that MakeMaker (could?) can't do.

I used "require YAML;" to avoid that the user has to has it installed.

Unfortunately, YAML got changed, and now you also need "require 
YAML::Node;" for my Makefile.PL working properly. :-(

So you can either:

* patch my Makefile.PL
* patch YAML to work like the previous version, then update it on CPAN,
  then install it

The latter is way more work, and needs time and due to what you wrote 
above, might even not work.

I'd say keep the dependencies out of YAML ("KISS"!). Whether YAML should 
also load YAML::Node when you do "require YAML;" is a point for 
discussion, but it certainly tripped up a *lot* of existing Makefiles and 
I don't have the time to patch them all because that requires me to 
release a dozend or so modules.

Sorry for the problem, but it is only partly my fautl :)

Best wishes,


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