Yes, CPAN can be a pain; however (kw|qu)alit(ee|y) is not meant to be
a metrics of how easy to install a module is, but rather of whether it
is possible to build something strong upon it, and to do so quickly
and easily. (Or am I mistaken?)

I disagree. A lot of the kwalitee metrics support best practices. Things that aren't entirely necesary to core function but are the mark of a good module.

Hence the "does anyone else use this module" point. If someone else is using your module, it must be $good.

Likewise, if your module installs all the way from a vanilla installation and all it dependencies go on cleanly, then I think that's well and truly worthy of a point.

Something like a clean_install metric. If there are any FAIL entries in CPAN Testers against the current version of your module, you lose a point.

If there are any FAIL entries against the current version of any of your dependencies, you fail to (or rather, if you dependency doesn't have the point, you can't either)

By the way, if someone wants to implement this I'd recommend interative modification rather than Algorithm::Dependency-style order discovery.

Just go down the list checking dependencies and removing the point checking deps. Count the number of point removes for each interaction until it reaches zero.

Personally I think this would be great.

The PITA-based (what I'm thinking of calling) Vanilla Testers system is intended for a similar purpose. Test modules based on installation from scratch. With this focus on more-practical aspects, we can zero on the module within CPAN that are causing the most problem FAR more easily, and we know where attention needs to be placed.

Adam K

I have another idea. What about reversing the odds, and rewarding
those modules that provide an all-in-one archive (e.g. CatInABox, or a pure-Perl
zero-dependency version with perhaps a restricted feature set, in
addition to the "full" CPAN version? (hmm, maybe this check would be
difficult to automate)

- --
Dominique QUATRAVAUX                           Ingénieur senior
01 44 42 00 08                                 IDEALX

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