Except for the little fact that you have to bundle Module::Install in all of your modules and need not to forget to add inc/* to MANIFEST - Graph::Easy::As_svg increases from 27K to 47K gzipped....

That concerned me for a little while as well.

But then someone pointed out to me that disk space and bandwidth is cheap (certainly at that level) and the small increase (and lets face it, it isn't adding half a meg, just 10-20k) is optimizing for developer time.

And if there is a problem with Module::Install, you have to update all your dists with the new version - solve one problem, create two new ones :)

But if there is a problem with EU::MM or Module::Build, you have to update every installation in the entire world with the new version.

Module::Install is more about containing the problem. If there's a bug related to Module::Install, at least you only have to fix the problem in one place. And the number of bugs that require a rerelease is falling, most of the recent versions have fixed things like cygwin-specific bugs, add new features, or improve the documentation.

Funny thing is that I knew that Module::Build was to replace EU::MM, but didn't know there was YetAnotherInstaller on the playing field :)

Module::Install is a bit different to EU:MM and M:B. It's a new layer about them both to make author's life easier, without imposing problems on end users.

In fact, really it optimises for author time, learnability and minimised end-user pain at the expense of some bandwidth and disk space.

It doesn't replace EUMM or MB, it enhances them.

Adam K

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