Tyler MacDonald wrote:

        Tests run, but >50% (or maybe >80%?) are skipped.

        From what I've seen, the most common cause of this is that the
package is untestable with the current build configuration. Eg; you needed to specify a webserver or database or something to get these tests to run. Apache::Test provides some hooks for autotesters to configure themselves to
test packages using it, IMHO setting DBI_DSN etc should be enough for
packages that test against a database.

Note that there is also the case where the module need administrator privileges to execute parts of its test suite and the author put some effort to skip all the tests that can't be run because the user running the installation doesn't have the required rights (I'm thinking very loud about Net::Pcap if you haven't guessed :)

Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
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