* Smylers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-03-15 09:05]:
>If your editor happens to be Vim then be aware that Ctrl+A adds
>1 to the number currently under the cursor, or the next number
>on the current line if the cursor isn't on a number.

It also has “visual block mode,” which is initiated using Ctrl-v,
and lets you cargo rectangular areas of text around the place.
You can even indent such blocks to insert a block of whitespace
in the middle of the selected lines. You can also use virtual
edit mode to place the cursor beyond the end of a line. This can
be combined this with visual block mode, too. (You can draw ASCII
art tables that way very quickly.) And countless other things.

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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