
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 10:53, Smylers wrote:
> Dr Bean writes:
> > I've gotten comfortable with Test::More conventions, but it's
> > difficult in my editor to really quickly create lots of tests.
> Which editor is that?
> > is($o->index('You'), 1, 'objects index 1');
> > isnt($o->index(1), 1, 'objects index 2');
> > isnt($o->index(2), 2, 'objects index 2');
> > is($o->index($t), 3, 'objects index 3');
> >
> > Incrementing numbers and substituting words and letters takes
> > time
> If your editor happens to be Vim then be aware that Ctrl+A adds 1 to
> the number currently under the cursor, or the next number on the
> current line if the cursor isn't on a number.

Wow. Thanx! (And I have used vim for years...)

Best wishes,


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