A. Pagaltzis schrieb:
> * Thomas Wittek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-03 22:30]:
>> Interestingly it is very similar to Markdown although I never
>> heard about it before :)
> Hmm, it doesn’t look similar at all to me?

Headers (Markdown):
# This is an H1
## This is an H2
###### This is an H6

Headers (/me):
= This is an H1
== This is an H2
====== This is an H6

Lists (Markdown):
*   Red
*   Green
*   Blue

Liste (/me):
*   Red
*   Green
*   Blue

Code (Markdown):
This is a normal paragraph:

    This is a code block.

Code (/me):
This is a normal paragraph:

    This is a code block.

Horizontal Rules (Markdown):

Horizontal Rules (/me):

Emphasis (Markdown):
e.g. *single asterisks*

Emphasis (/me):
*single asterisks*

There are of course many cases where the syntax differs, but only I said
that they are similar, not identical ;) Especially the linking differs
from my syntax.

> Not even superficially
> similar, but most importantly, it looks line-based. Markdown is
> block-based. If you want another example of block-based, take a
> look at the new-style PhpWiki markup. These let you do things
> like put a code block inside a blockquote within a list item, or
> heck, even things as simple as multi-paragraph list items.
> Mediawiki markup, like many other wiki syntaxes, can’t express
> that. Yours doesn’t look like it can either.

No, (currently) blocks cannot be nested.
Blocks are separated by >=1 newlines and consist of only one type of the
ones listed in
http://gedankenkonstrukt.de/konstrukt/syntax.html#BLOCK_SYNTAX. I only
wanted to cover the most common formatting cases. It's far from being
feature-complete and not intended to be a full-sized wiki-system.


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