Trey Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In a message dated Mon, 4 Sep 2006, Steffen Schwigon writes:
>> First you could try an older revision, I recommend r7845 or r10822 of
>> pugs repository.
> No, neither of those work.  To see what I'm talking about, just create
> a file containing:
> use v6-alpha;
> class Point {
>      has $.x;
>      has $.y;
> }
> and try creating more code under the "has $.y" line, and notice that
> indenting and highlighting after that point don't work because emacs
> thinks it's in the middle of a y///.

I checked and indeed the twigils don't work. My test source file
(which worked correctly some time ago) also highlights wrong. It's for
sure a bug I introduced.

I can't promise that it also worked with "y" as variable name. That's
probably a second issue. But it should also be possible to solve.

> Well, a fork for cperl6-mode wouldn't be the worst thing... at least
> then it would be possible to have working syntax highlighting and
> indention for Perl 6.

This time the issues should be solvable. Forking shouldn't be
neccessary for this. I try to have a look at it this week.
Sorry that I'm not as fast as pugs development normally feels. :-)

Steffen Schwigon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Dresden Perl Mongers <>

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