
I need some advices.
I've worked on fixedbooleanarray and resizablebooleanarray.
From #40066 it is said that both need to be rewritten.

So I've cleaned up fixedbooleanarray that should be a lot cleaner, somewhat
faster and more understandable, and I've added some tests. But of course
because resizablebooleanarray extends it,
it breaks its current implementation.

In parallel, I've checked the #39063 bug that states that ResizableBooleanArray
uses 64 bytes per bit of information.
I've found the reason why (just a silly #define bug), but nonetheless the
implementation is deficient.

For example

   pmc1 = new ResizableBooleanArray
   pmc1 = 1
   pmc1 = 2
   pmc1 = 3

makes the following allocation calls:

# mem_sys_allocate_zeroed(64) ==> (pmc=1, preallocation of 64 bytes, ok)
# mem_sys_realloc(64) ==> (pmc=2)we have 63 bytes left, and we realloc ??
# mem_sys_realloc(64) ==> (pmc=3) same problem

So in my opinion too this pmc should be rewritten. I'm ready to do it, based
on my fixedbooleanarray implementation,
but before doing it I need some answers :

Whare the requirements/constraints of a ResizableBooleanArray ? e.g are
unshift to be less frequent that shift ?
What's a typical usage test case ?
Should I keep the actual implementation concept : allocating by chunks of 64
bytes ?

Waiting for your input...

Karl Forner

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