Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 13:39:30 +0200

   Thank for your long response.

   I included your code in languages/lua/lib/luacoroutine.pir (r14877).
   I encountered 2 problems :

   1) coroutine_yield needs a current coroutine (not surprising)

Yes, this is the "implicit current coroutine" problem I mentioned.  I
think this is best solved with a dynamically-bound variable, the value
of which Lua's "coroutine.running" can just return.

   2) I want replace the LuaThread PMC by a PIR classe . . .

   some test of languages/lua/t/coroutine.t fail with the following 
   message :
                    FixedPMCArray: index out of bounds!


On Sunday, to see if it would work, I created a Parrot::Coroutine class,
and it works like a charm.  I haven't committed it yet because it needs
a test case.  This will be an extended version of the "same fringe" demo
but converted into a proper example; it's also an excellent workout for

   So please stay tuned.

                                        -- Bob

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