Allison Randal wrote:
Jonathan Worthington wrote:
I implemented this to test it out and it kinda worked. However, properties don't get serialized so if you compile the program to a PBC and run that it doesn't work.
Why don't they get serialized?
I guess, that's just not implemented. But I don't know if this is a quirk of the implementation or a design decision that properties are just runtime things. If we want it to always happen, it needs to be implemented as part of the standard PMC packing code though, I think. (Note that default.pmc implements properties, so any PMC can have them set, it appears; serializing them as standard would thus make sense).

Additionally, properties don't get inherited.
In the sense that they're only attached to individual object instances of the class, not to the class itself. And even if they were attached to the class, it would be to the class PMC, and wouldn't be picked up by subclass PMCs.

Although, in this case what we're talking about is a property attached to an object instance of the namespace class. Inheritance is determined by the classes associated with the namespace object, not the namespace object itself. The storage of vtable methods in the namespace is really only temporary until they can be loaded as vtable overloads on the class. (It's also there for the sake of later use by other classes if they become associated with that namespace.) The vtable overloads only enter into inheritance once they are loaded into the vtable.

This is why properties seemed like a good fit: the vtable entries in namespaces are optional, out-of-band information, only used in loading. But, they could just as well be implemented as a separate attribute in the namespace class.
Agree; looking now at what I had to do (walk the MRO) to get inheritance of :vtable methods to work already, doing it with the data in properties is no harder. That leaves the serialization issue as the main one. A ruling on that, and I can implement :vtable using a property. (leo pointed out the double indirection, as you're looking up the vtable hash in the property hash, is a performance issue - we can perhaps optimize this later...I care more about getting the correct behavior right now).

It'd be nice to actually attach these methods to a v-table itself somehow. However, unless we make classes a compile-time construct rather than "turning a namespace into a class" using newclass as we do now, I don't see how this can happen (at least, not cleanly).
It also wouldn't allow for runtime association of an anonymous class with a namespace, or runtime switching of the namespace a class is associated with.
Must...get...head...out...of....static-language-world. :-)



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