Jonathan Worthington wrote:

This is why properties seemed like a good fit: the vtable entries in namespaces are optional, out-of-band information, only used in loading. But, they could just as well be implemented as a separate attribute in the namespace class.
Agree; looking now at what I had to do (walk the MRO) to get inheritance of :vtable methods to work already, doing it with the data in properties is no harder. That leaves the serialization issue as the main one. A ruling on that, and I can implement :vtable using a property.

Can anyone think of a reason we shouldn't serialize properties? If not, let's try it. If we don't like the results, we can back it out.

I suspect that originally it was expected that properties would only be attached at runtime. But, since we have the option of flagging subs to execute at various stages of compilation, it seems safe to assume that properties can be attached at various stages of compilation too.

(leo pointed out the double indirection, as you're looking up the vtable hash in the property hash, is a performance issue - we can perhaps optimize this later...I care more about getting the correct behavior right now).

He has a good point, but agreed, let's get it working and optimize later.


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