I think that would be more work than truly necessary. We have an obvious dependency on having a make that can read a generic makefile, and a c compiler that can compile to the running architecture successfully(cross compiling would come later). We can limit what goes into parrot, which pmc's, etc, and try to get a miniparrot that's works with a fairly default makefile for bootstrapping. Type make, then whatever configure script, then make again to build a full parrot? It would help our external dependancies go down to what's an expected dependency, make, and cc.

The main things to consider is how much we'd need inside miniparrot.

On Apr 25, 2007, at 12:24 PM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:

Jonathan Worthington wrote:
I guess that doing so will involve re-writing a lot of the current Configure system and build tools into something that compiles down to PBC (and then just ship something very basic that can run a PBC).
Whoa. I meant, have some kinda miniparrot that can run a PBC but is pure ANSI C or something. Long day...


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